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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Blog for Topical / Thematic Collections

We just started a new blog gallery to feature some of our thematic collections. We have planned to display these in our other blog . But currently, what we have been posting are new acquisitions and items from our "China" collections.

Our initial collections way back then were largely accumulations. It was later on that we began to concentrate on certain themes that interested us most. But as we came across more items later on, our topical collections also became very varied. It became so many that it was a hard time to build an exclusive but extensive collection. Our resources sometimes get to be spread too thin and our concentration divided. So here we will post some of the collections that grew through the years.

Do check them out at and we do have lots of stuff to post. Hope to have some more time to update all our blogs.


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a very nice blog. You're very keen in details. Thanks you have posted a very informative thought and it is very useful! Check for topical stamps collection for more information.


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