
Angela's store provides you with variety of collectibles which you can avail at very reasonable prices. Kindly visit our auctions @; username: angela_m2m. We are also open for swaps or trades. Just email at

Have fun, post your comments and take your time in browsing through our postings!!!! Check out the Archives and see also our collections at (click on our profile and see our other blogs)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


We have been quite busy with scanning and then posting a lot of stuff and collectibles in under seller name angela_m2m for the past couple of weeks. We have had quite a small bit of successful sales and have expanded our listings to more than a hundred items.

The auction items include a lot of stamps that we have posted here in our blogs. Topical stamps include the Olympics, animals, birds / ducks, fishes, flowers etc. We also included some Postal Cards and First day Covers (FDCs) from the Japanese Occupation period (1940s); some USPI (United States -Philippine Islands ) stamps (including a sheet of 50 stamps); some Spanish period (1890s) stamps; and a number of paper money lots(which elicited a number of bids) from different countries (including China) and Uncirculated Philippine paper money with various overprints. There are some Philippine paper money from World War II (guerilla money) and from the English and Pilipino Series. There is also a prestige booklet (of stamps) issued for the Philippine Centennial.

Most of the beautiful souvenir sheets in this blog gallery are also available at discounted minimum bid prices.

Our listings will end in a week or so (some of the auctions with bids are ending within a day) and we hope to continue through August. Do check them out and for any inquiries, please email us at

Philippine Shell MINT block of 4

1994 Philippine Shells
Philakorea '94
Litho. by Amstar Perf. 14
MINT (PhP 2.00 X 4 stamps)
Selling Price: $2.00

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

1994 Philippine Corals - MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet

PhP 8.00 MINT Souvenir Sheet
(PhP 2.00 X 4 Stamps)
Quantity in print: 26,400
Selling Price: $2.50

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Philippine Freshwater Fishes - MINT stamp strips

Litho. by Amstar Perf. 14
1993 Freshwater Aquarium fishes II
2 different Php 2.00 x 5 strip
10 different MINT stamps
Selling Price: $ 3.00

*The stamps were issued together with an imperforate souvenir sheet of 1 and two perforated souvenir sheets of 4. Pls see our blog postings of 5/14/2006.

Coastal Resources Conservation MINT Souvenir Sheet

The importance of Philippine coastal resources for food security, poverty alleviation and employment, cannot be overemphasized. However, they are under serious threats from over-exploitation, causing both the depletion of resources and degradation of natural habitats, and other unsustainable uses such as pollution and fishing with explosives and poisons.

In response to these threats, there are efforts underway and by now increasingly adopted through the Local Government Units, with the support by different line agencies, the academe, and non-government organizations. Coastal resources management activiities are implemented with the intensive participation of communities and their people's organization. Important aspects or componnents of coastal resources management are illustrated in the souvenir sheet:

1. Marine sanctuaries or marine protected areas (upper left). Marine sanctuaries are at present the best hope to conserve fish resources and protect the natural habitat of fishes. Community capability building, information and education activities, as well as advocacy are also part of the process.

2.Reef monitoring (lower left). This information is necessary to make decisions not only on the selection of reefs for establishment of marine protected areas, but also to monitor the increase of coral cover and to assess the positive impact of conservtion efforts.

3. Mangrove reforestation (upper right). Philippine mangrove resources have decreased dramatically over the last decades due to production offirewood, charcoal and other uses, and conversion into coastal fishponds. Mangroves are beneficial in stabilizing coastlines, trapping sediments, and providing essential feeding and ursery grounds for a large number of ecnomically important fish species.

4. Seaweed farming (lower right). Coastal communities depend on coastal resources for food and income and they are more likely to protect and conserve if they also gain sustainable benefits from these resources like seaweed farming and other alternative livelihood or income diversification backed by technical and entrepreneurial advisory services.

Date of Issue: June 24,2002
Denomination and Quantity: PhP 20.00 - 12,500
Selling Price: $ 2.50


The Philippines with its extensive coastline of 18,400 km in 7,100 islands provides a multitude of habitats for local and migrating birds. A number of migratory wader species from neighboring nations are known to winter in the coasts of the Philippines. There are two important sites identified as stop overs of migrating waterbirds. These are Manila Bay and Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary in Cebu. The latter is the First RAMSAR Site (Wetland of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat) in the Philippines.

PhP 16.00 MINT Souvenir Sheet
Philippine Migratory Shorebirds
Date of Issue : February 22, 1999
Quantity : 10,000
Printing Process: Litho-Offset (4colors)
Paper: Imported unwatermarked
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Designers: Ruperto N. Naval
Rufe Goco
Jesus Alfredo de los Santos
Layout Artist: Alfonso V. Divina
Desing Coordinator: Dr. Ngo Tiong Tak T.
Priscilla N. Calimag
(All photos and information provided by PAWB)

PhP 16.00 MINT Souvenir Sheet
Australia '99 World Stamp Expo
Date of Issue: March 19, 1999
Quantity: 15,000

SPOTTED GREEENSHANK (Tringa guttifer)- inhabits coastal marshes and sandy mudflats. Very rare. Only recorded breeding place in Sakhalin, Russia; migrates to South-East Asia.

TUFTED DUCK (Aythya fuligula)- found in marshes, rivers, lakes and pools. It breeds widely in North Asia; during non-breeding period, it migrates to North parts of South and SouthEast Asia, and East Asia. Common visitor.

Selling Price: $ 5.00

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

angelas fdcs

First Day Covers.

Our interest in First Day Covers (FDCs) has come rather belatedly. Previously FDCs of particular stamps (Rizal, Scouting , Jap Occupation, JFK etc)were just the ones we collected initially. For sometime, our other FDC collections were largely unsorted.
Blogging has certainly contributed to our renewed attention on them. After visiting some blogs and then looking through at our assortment of FDCs; we realiize that indeed, collecting First Day Covers; (and various covers, for that matter) really is interesting. Well; not all of them actually, but still, a number of them were found to be great collectibles. Seeing and finding different cachets also proved to be fun and gave new insight. Since we have quite a bit of FDCs in our collection, we have started a new blog in order to post them; and as usual in a gallery fashion.

Hope you enjoy them and take time to visit

Tarsier MINT Stamp block of 25

Stamp is part of 1969 Philippine Animals Issue
2s value TARSIER
MINT block of 25 stamps
Selling Price: $5

Philippine Eagle and Tarsier on Stamps (Asean Environment Year Souvenir Sheet)

1995 Asean Environment Year
PhP 12.00 MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet
Quantity in print: 27,084
Selling Price: $2.50

FOURTH of JULY (1996) Stamp Philippine-American Friendship Day

Philippine-American Friendship Day
July 4, 1996
PhP 8.00 Stamp
Philippine Eagle and American Bald Eagle

Philippine Orchids , 1962 MINT imperforate stamp blk

1962 Philippine Orchids
Photo. by Enschede (Netherlands)
imperforate block
4 values (5s, 6s, 10s and 20s)
Quantity in print: 100,000 of each

Cattleyas MINT Stamp Blocks

2 different PhP 4.00 x 4 blocks
Selling Price: $5.00

Cattleyas MINT Stamp Souv Sheet

Cattleyas (Taipei '96)
PhP 12.00 MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet
Quantity in print: 25,000

Aseanpex '96
7th Asean International Philatelic Exhibition
Taipei '96
10th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition

Selling Price: $2.50

Philippine Orchids MINT Stamp Souv Sheet

1996. Philippine Orchids
PhP 16.00 Souvenir Sheet (4 stamps X PhP4.00)
Quantity in Print: 26,756

Stamps feature the following Orchids:
Coelogyne pandurata
Vanda merriliivar. rotoril
Cymbidium aliciae
Dendrobium topaziacum

Aseanpex '96
7th Asean International Philatelic Exhibition
Selling Price: $2.50

SOLD to lca_rivera at
by ebay seller: angela_m2m

FOURTH of JULY - Philippine Stamps/FDC

1946, Proclamation of Independence.
Engraved by U.S. BEP. Perf. 11.
*Philippine Independence Day used to be celebrated on July 4 instead of June 12.
Now, July 4 is Philippine-American Friendship Day. The above set are the first stamps of the Philippine Republic.

1994, Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA)
Litho. by Amstar. Perf 14
PhP 2.00 X 4 (block) First Day Cover (FDC)
First Day of Issue: July 4, 1994

Monday, July 03, 2006


PHILIPPINE EAGLE (Pithecophaga jeffryi)
PhP 16.00 MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet

Rare and Endangered Philippine Birds II MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet

PHILIPPINE EAGLE (Pithecophaga jefferyi)
Php 12.00 MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet
Aseanpex '94

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rare and Endangered Philippines Birds (MINT Souvenir Sheet with YPS overprint)

Rare and Endangered Philippine Birds PhP 8.00 Souvenir Sheet of 4 of 1992
overprinted in 1996 Young Philatelists' Society (YPS), 10th Anniversary
Quantity in print: 18,400
Selling Price: $2.50

Marine Mammals (Dugong ) MINT Souvenir Sheet

1998 Marine Mammals Found in Philippine Waters
DUGONG (Dugong dugon)
PhP 15.00 Souvenir Sheet MINT
Quantity in Print: 21,090
Selling Price: $2.50

Philippine Marine Biodiversity MINT Stamp Souvenir Sheet

Kind of Isssue: Special
Denomination and Quantity: PhP 15.00(Php5.00 X 3) - 10,000
Date of Issue: May 11, 1999
Size of Stamps : 40mm X 30mm
Perforation : 14
Printing Process: Litho-Offset (4 colors)
Paper: Imported unwatermarked
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Layout Artist : Alfonso V. Divina
Design Coordinator: Alfredo I. Principe
Design: All photos, slides and informatio provided by Dr. Edgardo D. Gomez
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines

Stamps in the Souvenir sheet:
Sea Grapes (Caulerpa racemosa) - This green alga is relatively common in the shallow waters of coral refs. This species is eaten fresh by many coastal dwellers, being known as "ar-arusep" in Ilocano. This and a congener, C. lentillifera, which is cutured in Cebu, are also called "lato" (Photo by G. C. Trono, Jr.)
Sea Urchin (Heterocentrotus mammilllatus) - A nocturnal echinoderm, this animal is difficult to find by day s it hides n crevices,emerging at night to fotage on the reef. (Photo by M. Jones)
Branching Coral (Seriatopora hystrix) - Sometimes referred to as a "lace" coral because of some growth forms, this branching coral is one of the more common among the 400 to 500 species found in the Philippine waters. As part of the famous "Coral Triangle", the Philippines is at the epicenter of marine biodiversity for shalow water organisms, particularly corals, molluscs, and fish, among others. (Photo by J. McManus)

Selling Price: $2.50

Endemic Philippine Frogs MINT Souvenir Sheet

Frogs on Stamps

The amphibians of the Philippines have not been given much attention by Filipino scientists and the Filipino as a whole. A major reason for this appears to be lack of appreciation of the role of these animals in nature and in human affairs. Except for students who are required to dissect frogs and toads in their introductory biology courses and people in rural areas who regularly eat certain species of frogs, people generally fail to see much use for these animals yet, amphibians for various biological reasons have been favorite subjects for experiments in developing biology.
While Philippine frogs are useful as food, their real scientific importance lies beyond this culinary use. They are in excellent group for scientific research. Aside from ecological and life history studies, investigations on their biodiversity, systematics, evolution, responses to climate change and conservation are sorely needed to understand the role of Philippine amphibians more fully.
The majority of Philippine frogs, especially the endemic species, live in primary lowland and mountain forests. Endemism is high (ca 70%). This is so because of favorable factors, like relative isolation of mountain peaks and separation of islands by sea barriers. Unfortunately, most endemic species face a high probability of extinction in the near future if the present rate of forest destruction continues.

The Philippine frogs featured are:
Spiny Tree Frog (Nyctixalus spinosus Taylor)- A small frog with slender body and limbs. Cranial and supralympanic crests crsts and numerous pointed and whitish tubercles present on the upper surfaces. Color in life is reddish-brown above. Eggs (30-40) are probably attached to walls of tree holes. Tadpoles were found in rainwater collected in hole at base of living tree (Agathis) in forest. Altitudinal range is from 500 to 1,100m.
Range: Basilan, Mindanao, and Bohol Islands
Truncate-Toed Chorus Frog (Kaloula conjuncta Peters) - A small to medium-sized frog with finger tips expanded and truncate. Skin above is smooth or with scattered small tubercles. Usually with a dark, obscure pattern on back. This frog burrows in soil or climbs vegetation. it is generally secretive except during breeding seasons when it forms large breeding congregations in ponds. Food consists of ants and beetles Altitudinal range is from sea level to 770 m. Four subspecies are currently recognized.

Range: Throughout the Philippines
Variable-Backed Frog (Rana signata Gunther) - A small to medium-sixed Frog with a somewhat slender body and long legs. Light dorso-lateral folds evident on back. Skin on back smooth or granular: Dight tips are slightly enlarged. Toes about three-fourths to fully webbed. The pattern of smottling on the back is variable. Inhabits mountain streams. Individuals have been observed in water or on rocks in close proximity to water. Altitudinal distribution is from sea level to 330 m. Three subspecies are currently recognized.
Range: Throughout the Philippines

Souvenir Sheet Face Value: PhP 15.00
Quantity in print : 10,000
Date of Issue: April 5,1999
Size of Stamps: 40mm X 30mm
Perforation: 14
Printing Process : Litho-Offset (4 colors)
Paper: Imported unwatermarked
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc
Layout Artist: Alfonso V. Divina
Desing Coordinators: Dr. Ngo Tiong Tak T.
Alfredo I. Principe
Photos and Information taken from the book "Philippine
Amphibians" (an illustrated Field Guide by Dr. Angel C. Alcala and Walter
C. Brown)

Selling Price: $2.50

1966 PNB 50th Anniversary Stamp Souvenir Sheet

1966 Philippine National Bank (PNB) 50th Anniversary
70s imperf Souvenir Sheet (air - panghimpapawid)

The background's design is a fifty peso PNB circulating note series of 1920.
Price $2.50
