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Saturday, May 20, 2006

One Ounce Silver (C)

One Ounce Silver (B)

One Ounce Silver (A)

Silver Futures Prices

From Bloomberg Commodity and Financial Futures
(May 17, 2006)

"HongKong '94" Stamp Exhibition MINT set

PhP 2.00 value Quantity 645,000
PhP 6.00 value Quantity 682,500
PhP 8.00 souv sheet (green) Quantity 26,650
PhP 8.00 souv sheet (blue) Quantity 26,650

* 10,000 sets of stamps & souv sheets were sold at the exhibit site, where 4 daily show cancels were used
2002 Cat Value PhP 225 / set

World Stamp Expo '89 MINT sheetlet (PhP1.00 X 6)

1989 World Stamp Expo
MINT sheetlet
PhP 1.00 X 6
Quantity 10,000

1988 PhilippineOlympic Week MINT set (perforates)

1988 Philippine Olympic Week
(Pre-Olympics issue)
6 values: PhP 1.00 PhP 1.20 PhP 4.00 PhP 5.50 PhP 8.00 PhP 11.00
MINT complete set
2002 Cat Value PhP 325

1988 PhilippineOlympic Week MINT imperfs (High Values)

1988 Philippine Olympic Week
(Pre-Olympics Issue)
3 values imperf
PhP 5.50; PhP 8.00; PhP 11.00
Quantity 50,000 each

Friday, May 19, 2006

1998 Seoul Olympics MINT souv sheet

1988 24th Seoul Olympics
PhP 22.00 souvenir sheet
MINT condition
PhP 5.50 imperf stamps X 4
Quantity 50,000
2002 Cat Value PhP 300

Philippines 2004 Olympics MINT souv sheet

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Bangkok 1993" on FISHES II MINT sheets

"Bangkok 1993" World Philatelic Exhibition
The Fishes II imperf souv. sheet of 1 & 12.00 perforated souvenir sheet of 4
MINT condition
2002 Cat Value PhP 180
(stamps not shown in scale)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

1993 Freshwater Aquarium Fishes II MINT sheets

MINT Souvenir Sheets
PhP 6.00 imperf souv sheet Quantity 25,000
PhP 8.00 perf souv sheet (PhP2.00 x 4) Quantity 31,000
PhP 12.00 perf souv sheet(PhP3.00 x 4) Quantity 25,000
Selling Price: $6.00

* photos not shown in scale


The Fishes I PhP 8.00 imperf souv sheet
& PhP 26.00 perf souv sheet of 4
litho. by Amstar with additional inscriptions on margins
PhP 8.00 imperf quantity 48,100
PhP 26.00 perf quantity 43,100
1997 Cat Value PhP 200
2002 Cat Value PhP 500
* 35,000 sets of S/S were sold to the Taiwan dealer
who co-sponsored the event.

1984 Ausipex MINT stamps

Ausipex '84
International Stamp Exhibition
MINT Stamps (2 values)
PhP 3.00 Quantity 20,000
PhP 3.60 Quantity 20,000
2002 Catalogue Value PhP 150

1986 People Power MINT souv sheet

1986 People Power
Litho. by APO-NEDA
PhP 7.20 inmperf MINT sheet
Quantity printed: 50,000
2002 Cat Value PhP 120

SELLO 1898-99 peso

MINT strip of 4

The Farmer's Bank of China 1941 ONE YUAN

1945 One Yuan
Brown on m/c unpt. SYS at l
House at ctr, sheep at r on back

Saturday, May 13, 2006

1995 PAPAL VISIT souv. sheets

Pastoral and State Visit
of His Holiness
Pope John Paul II
with CHRISTYPEX '95 overprint

Pastoral and State Visit
of His Holiness
Pope John Paul II

2005 SEA Games MINT souv. sheets

23rd Southeast Asian Games
Manila,Subic Bay, Bacolod City, Cebu City
November 27-December5, 2005

US Stamps 730a and 731a MINT

Blocks of 4 with plate nos.

CATALOG PAGE for 730a and 731b

1933 Special Printing for American Philatelic Society Convention
Imperforate and Ungummed

730a 1c yellow green,
single: MINT $1.50
731a 3c violet,
single: MINT $1.50


CHINA 2000 CGU Paper Money

2000 Custom Gold Units

5,000,000,000 Banknote


UNC "Saddam" Iraq Paper Money

Central Bank Of Iraq
Five Dinars


Crisp Uncirculated "ARROVO" Error Bills
One Hundred Pesos (2005) Consecutive Serial Numbers

How many Arrovo bills were released into circulation? If the estimate of the Bangko Sentral that only PhP100,000 worth of these bills were released, then there's roughly just 1,000 Arrovo error bills . If someone has a bundle, effectively, that is already 10% of the total.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

ARROVO BILLS on Ripley's

Entry in Ripley's "Believe it or NOT"
Misspelled name of The President's name on the One Hundred Peso Bills
called "Arrovo Error Bills"
Printed ARROVO instead of ARROYO
