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Monday, September 25, 2006

Philippine Cacti and Succulents

Kind of Issue: Special
Denominations aand Quantity: PhP 6.00 - 200,000
Date of Issue: December 5, 2003
Size of Stamps: 30mm X 40mm
Perforation: 14
Printing Process: Lito-offset (4 colors)

Mammilaria spinosissima
Oval shaped, bluish-green plants up to 20 cm high, 6 -7 mm thick. They have oval, cone-like tubercles and white woolly and bristly axils.

Ephithelantha bokei
From the Big Bend area in West Texas, USA. E. bokei is probably hte most beautiful of all species in the Genus. The plant is usually found growing solitary in the wild although multi-headed specimens have also been found. It is difficult to find among the limestone it inhabits.
In addition, it sometimes produces offsets and clusters, although other specimens remain solitary. the creamy white or pure white spines lie very close to the plants body, and gives the plant a smooth appearance

Rebutia spinosissima
Genus of mostly clump forming, spherical to columnar, perennial cacti with flowers prodeuced in profusion from plant base, usually 2-3 years after raising from seeds. Much ribbed tuberculate, green stems have short spines.

Turbinicarpus alonsoi
From Guanajuato, Mexico. First described in 1996 and named after its discoverer, a Mexican boy named Alonso. It is one of the most beautiiful and distinct members of the Genus Turbinicarpus, a group of rare and small sized, globular cacti with spine which are usually papery, hairy or feathery and found only in Mexico.
The plants have beautiful flowers. T. alonsoi is solitary, possesses a large tap root, is globose greyish-green or glaucous with a flattened top. In the wild, it grows partly underground and attains a size of up to 4.4 inches long (11 cm.), 2.4 to 3.6 inches in diameter 96 to 9 cm.). The spines are weak and generally fall off from the older tibercles of the plant. T. alonsoi generally flowers from March to October, mainly between April and June. The flowers are cherry red to pink-magenta, with a more intensely coloured mid-stripe.


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